What is World Space Week?
World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition. The United Nations General Assembly declared in 1999 that World Space Week will be held each year from October 4-10. These dates commemorate two events:
October 4, 1957: Launch of the first human-made Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, thus opening the way for space exploration
October 10, 1967: The signing of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activites of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.
We have an outreach of 2500+ Schools for the World Space Week to benefit from online programmes and
organising special seminar 'Antariksh Space Startups and Innovations' at select schools.
Guidelines for participation is mentioned below and we request schools to share the same with this page link with students and parents. All participating Schools& Hon. Principal, Educators and Students shall get a special
Antariksh - World Space Week Certificate for the projects submitted on Antariksh Club Forum
Word Space Week 2023 Theme
“Space and Entrepreneurship”
Why Space and Entrepreneurship?
Space is every where, lets explore it! . This has been the Mission Statement of Antariksh Society as the world is venturing in to Space and trying to set their foot on Moon and Mars. New Space age is about ideas, discoveries and innovations from individuals and private sector to help in space exploration and Space Entrepreneurship is all about being in to Space Industry as a wonderful business and startup that is challenging, rewarding and growing at a very fast rate. For students, WSW 2023 is an opportunity to learn about the Space Industry, Startups and how new generation innovations are helping space companies in its reatime space exploration.
How Schools and Students can be a part of the
Antariksh Society - World Space Week?
Activity 1: Students may enroll for the Free Online Course
'Certificate Programme in Space Entrepreuership' ( recommended for class 6+)
Activity 2: Schools may do hands on activities, space science exhibition and celebration events and post on the Antariksh Club Forum ( Schools need to inform us about their participation by whatsapp on 9819519488 with School Name, Principal Name and activities in short)
Activity 3: Antariksh Society shall conduct special seminars and workshops, space camps at few schools as part of the WSW. all of it would be free of cost
World Space Week 2023 Infographic
Invitation to Schools to Partner and Support the initiative
World Space Week is the largest annual space event in the world. the weeks helps build up the workforce of tomorrow by inspiring students; demonstrates visible public support for the space programme; educates the public about space activities; and fosters international cooperation in space outreach and education.
Each year a theme is selected by the World Space Week Association Board of Directors in close coordination with the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs. The theme provides broad guidance to World Space Week participants on the content of their programmes. The theme is selected to increase the impact of World Space Week on all humanity further, by using a uniform theme globally.
WSW is an opportuity for schools to make Science interesting and fun! an opportunity to build, demonstarte and celebrate the fusion of Science& Art. An opportunity to prmote your school as finest experiential learning and activities based teaching Institution.
This year on behalf of Antariksh Society i invite schools and students to join the WSW being celebrated at 80 countrues with 10,000 plus Space related Companies and organizations.
"Lets create a SPACE for our Students and Youth"
- Dr Rajesh Ghangurde, President and Head, Space Program
and Project Lead for Antariksh World Space Week 2023.
Registration is now open for
'Certificate Programme in Space Entrepreuership'
This is a FREE course offered as part of offician Antariksh Society - World Space Week celebrations. Course access will be granted from 8th Oct 2023.
Find details of the course and share link with students
Are you still not an AntarikshClub Member?
Antariksh Club is your own space to learn, create, share and do project works and make friends who are crazy about space!
Antariksh Club Membership comes with awesome benefits and space education and leadership opportunities
Now you can Start a local chapter or School club check Antariksh Club page for information.
Have you enrolled for the
Nationwide Scholarship Program in Space& Astronomy conducted by Antariksh Society
ISTSE Mains (Online MCQ Exam)
from 24-28th December 2023
ISTSE Projects (Hands on creatives) on Sunday, 24th December 2023
Opportunity for students to be trained in Space Missions program at our Antariksh Kendra at MahaPark, Neral, Nr Mumbai for 2 days.
Also Top 100 scorers will have the privilege of visiting ISRO Centre and exclusive Antariksh Space Camp
Good News for Schools.
The wait is over!
Didn't get the opportunity to organize the
Jr Astronaut Space Camp earlier?
It's Time now to let your students
'Be an Astronaut for a Day'!
Do You Know ?
AntarikshVeer is the largest Space Camp and Workshops series conducted at
Schools in India!
Jr Astronaut Space Camp is an official flagship day workshop of Antariksh Society organized at schools under the ambitious AntarikshVeer Project. Make your School a Mission Command Centre, Your ground the Launch Pad and your Students an Astronaut for a day! We have a team of qualified Space Engineers and Educators who will come to your School to conduct a Space Camp. To know more about the project and register (we do Space Camp at 10 schools a month) go to
Space Camps page >>